Dear Avery: Following you will find a report which details the outcome of compatibility testing for TRO SP500 TICK. We will be contacting you shortly to obtain legal entity information to prepare the The TradeStation Open Platform Trademark and Logo License Agreement.


Sincerely Yours, Darla D. Tuttle Manager, Strategic Relations TradeStation Technologies, Inc. 954-652-7495 ************************************************************************

FROM: dmello DATE: 03/20/2006 01:04:22 PM Open Platform Development ID: 268 Date: 3/20/2006 User Name: David Mello Name: AVERY T. HORTON, JR. Company: AVERY T. HORTON, JR. Address: xxxxxx City: TUCSON State: AZ Zip: xx Phone Number: xxxxx E-Mail: xxxxxx Product Name: TRO SP500 TICK Version: 000 Platform: TS8 Format: ELD Security Block: Customer ID: DLL Call: globalvariable.dll Indicators: _TRO_SP500, _TRO_SP500_TICK_BARS ShowMe(s): PaintBar(s): Strategies: ActivityBar: ProbabilityMaps: Functions: fCommentary, GVGetNamedFloat, GVSetNamedFloat Does it come with an installation program? No Did it have any install errors? Does it change any of the default TradeStation Program files? Does it overwrite any operating system files? Does the import attempt to overwrite any elements in the work area? No Was the import successful? Yes Do the analysis techniques appear verified in the insert dialog for charting? Yes Does it cause any errors when inserting it to a chart? No Does it install any protected files? No If so, what type? Overall status: PASSED Comments: Passed - Should be noted that this requires globalvariable.dll, a freely available .dll from the TSW website.

Then came this:

Avery, I am writing to inform you that your request for a TradeStation Open Platform Trademark and Logo license (for TRO Indicators) has been declined. While we appreciate your interest, a decision was made not to proceed.

Sincerely yours, Darla D. Tuttle Manager, Strategic Relations TradeStation Technologies, Inc. 954.652.7495 ==========================================

My work passed TradeStation testing. But TradeStation declined to sign off. So all the users who wanted the S&P 500 tick that TradeStation wasn't able to deliver didn't get to use mine.

TradeStation punished their customers.

Interesting, huh?


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